its about time this got featured, this game so fun to play even by yourself (two controllers) this is very much worth the feature, Congrats...
well u dont actually have to do the whole map, just take screens of it part by part now on the map, I think you did a very great job on it, I...
hey great map, i like how it is original in a non original map, great job making it your own (I'm trying not to sound sarcastic because i am not...
My Brute
why thank you good sir
hey great work on making this map, i have one suggestion tho, make the shield doors just the right height so that you can shoot over while...
OFF TOPIC: I hav an infection map on construct so please check it out ON THE MAP: i think this is a very nicely thought out map, i hav honestly...
i have a question about the gametype (map looks great thats why), cant the zombie drop the sword for a better weapon that has range? (i dont get...
im sorry but wen i read that zombies have 10% damage resistance and humans had an armory, i just had to stop reading, i hate games where it is fun...
these maps look pretty fun, i like the raccoon city part the most because i think it is the most fair for both humans and zombies on any zombie...
this map looks very well done, i like the dome room with how cleanly it looks, if u wer to make a v2 i think maybe make it bigger because it looks...
the map looks very well made and looks like it plays great, i like the mix of cqb and long-range halls in the map, i say the only thing u should...
holy crap man, this map is so freakin good lookin, it is indded a work of art, it would be a must feature if u made a v2 and a must dl EDIT: srry...
seriously one of the best C&R map that i hav seen, i play c&r alot w/ my friends but gets boring cuz it always the same map so i hav to dl this...
everything here looks good, but add more cover if u can cuz the needler picture looks really open and could be dangerous going for it which means...
i really like the idea, but maybe spread out the map a bit more cuz it seems a little too crowded, i gotta dl this cuz it looks awesome
i think this is the cleanest bumper cars map out there and i am a big fan of bumper cars, but if u wer to make v4 i would say replace ghosts with...
man the map looks so awesome man u have a great forging ability, i got it qued, but if u wer to make a v2 i would say to make it bigger so it...
i like the idea and it looks great and all, but what u need to fix: are the walkways too open or no cuz it sorta seems like that so maybe add more...
this looks awesome, i really like the idea but if u decide to make a v2 make humans heavier or put fusion coils in the corners, but other than...