wow dude i havent talked to you in forever =( i was kicked out of my house... so i have no xbox or anything =/ when i get $240 im buying a box and...
umm i guess jumping would have something to do with it...
oh probably then and thanks for the feedback
No we havent played and yea when taking pictures of jump maps it hard to tell whats going on haha
Pro 3~Way v.3 Description: This is a Pro Jump Map made by me xXAppleSkaterXx and my Friend l KillerxJake l Let me remind you that this is a Pro...
godly just click search and type in puzzles and if you want really hard ones look for buddhacranes puzzle maps
Buddha we play some time =D and i think i remeber playing h2 with you in either a bounce/jump game i was in Team CLXB
YAY OUR MAP WOOT! Lets make another one right now =D But make it epic and on a bigger map =D
why cuz it got to many people to type in it?
yea, would you take a plunger and put it in the tolite(with the stick pointing out) of a blind person for $5?
You know the program PureCallum made? The 2D one that lets you design your map on foundry? Well its Featured on Bungie =D Its amazing Congrats...
this map is amazing =D
Guys dont forget that tex isnt the only one making these maps shad0w Viper is doing just as much work just cuz tex posted doesnt mean he did...
Shadow i do read alot haha i know about you and tex and how you created ABCrew =D just wanted to congrat both of you cuz this is epic =D
Its pretty sexy i dl'ed and i love it i like jumping off the second story and just ninjaing people =D
even though i never play infection anymore this map looks amazing ill dl and take a look. Just one think i dont like about it... I HATE those...
Alright ive started working on Scrap v1's Brother =D Its going to be way different but in a way look the same =) To understand for some of you...
Tex this map is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G I also love how you finished your SUX Map Pack =D Now you should do SUXED haha i hope to see more great maps from...
wow thank you every much guys =D i wanted to have my first map on here good so i tryed my best and had some help with ideas =D Im still thinking...
let me remind you this was my first map EVER so of course theres going to be bad everything i am still learning and i could have swore that those...