Wow now that is how foundry should be one. But then again if bujie had this as normal foundry then wed be waiting for a new new one, anyway this...
wow this looks awesome especially the middle part i've tried doing things like that with the barriers holding up a wall and its very hard good job
Wow this looks cool i've never really seen stargate though. What gametype is this and also what is the portal made of and does it take you any...
this looks like a cool map and i like the idea of giving the blues good weapons and the reds other good weapons. The middle part is awesoem and...
This sounds like a good map but i won't know until you put in pics but welcome to Forgehub anyway. i understand that you are new here so putting...
This map looks really good i havn't seen many Avalanche maps before. I like the Mrio Box concept but what is that big thing in the first picture?
looks pretty good i really love zombie maps/ gametypes so i'll dl it
this map looks pretty awesome and the switch idea is good to even though i haven't seen V1 i think it would still be good but not as good as this one
i don't get it is it meant to be for a race map or something? but nice detail though
this looks cool but maybe you could add something that when theres a winner the loser leaves and a new person comes in whos maybe from the crowd?...
this looks pretty good and i like the bunker ideas as well also it looks really smooth to
this looks like a really good map so i'm boing to download it
this map is really coo, although i still haven't finished it yet
these look pretty cool and i agree with you about the campers with the shotty but what was the first map i couldn't really tell but great job anyway
this looks pretty good although i've never really enjoyed KoTH games before i think i'll like this one
cool best zombie map i've seen in a while
this looks good but how do u get to the basket?
looks really cool i love the backstory "another Grunt fell in the vat... get a stick" lol
this looks pretty wicked so i think i will download
This is probably the best robot-giant-building thingy i have ever seen 6/5