GT: Isle 0f View Times I get on: usually after school at 4:00 cst and usually at night also Mic:Yes About Me: I like to forge MLG and competative...
It is pretty easy to un-budget glitch a map but if you miss an object bungie won't except it. I would just start with the glitch but that's just me.
When I first saw how aesthetically pleasing the bases were i was a little worried that the map would be very small but you managed to use other...
This is a very nice conquest map. Its pleasing to the eye in most parts looks very smooth and gameplay looks nice even with the flame grenades....
Yes yes, everyone knows the map is very old, but i think its fun to look back at how forging has evolved. This map was great when it came out but...
yeah i have a couple of midgets in mind too.
i think that was a question and if so no. My bro and i might just buy arcade and pop in the old hard drive. That way we wouldnt have to deal...
I new this was a feature the second i played it. Way better than v1 and i had so much fun playing it. There is a special spot on my hard drive...
they said we have to pay $100 to fix my xbox
Use teleporters try and get barriers outside of the map and save and quit and it should work well. If you do all three of those i dont know what...
i got the red ring of death
i'm glad they are doing that because it gets very annoying having to tap the d pad over and over. Especially when you're calling out.
I can already tell that this is a really good MLG map. I enjoy MLG so its a definate dl. If its as good as everyone says than the pics must not...
palkshdlfkjv czndsalfkewoiwy
Those screenshots look really cool and sound easy to take. Nice tut ill have to check that out.
Merry Christmas Yo
Merry Christmas
First things first #1 too small. I made it small so that not everyone crowds ten miles not allowing the zombies to get anywhere near the humans....
It is rather small but when i played on it, it was really fun. Any fan of cat and mouse or tremors should definately download this map.