Weeeeeeelllllllllllllllll. I kinda needed a place to post this but it's just an idea. I think that Sandbox will be outdoors and bigger than...
It was CHUCK NORRIS. Or mabie Jack Thompson had a rational thought. Or they finally launched Sp3cOp5grunt into space.
Nope, while Stairway is in my top five, 2112 is the greatist song ever. And it runs at about 20 minutes long. EPIC.
When it comes to software like Garbageband, Macs suck terribly, you are better off buying Protools and an Mbox, (protools comes with the mbox2),...
To me, much of Halo's music either makes me really sad, or jumpy. But never both at the same time, that'd be kinda weird.
If we were fine after the death of a great man like JFK, we'd probably do much better without Obama, Bush, Cheney, and biden (I intentionally...
I've always wanted to go whaling (input sarcastic smiley here). It must be a really odd occupation. But whatever floats your boat. (Get it?) I...
Awesome sig. ;)
I remember when I followed all this time stuff. It gets too involved and it's just a big paradox. So now I mostly ignore it now. But if we ever...
I'm sad that they cancelled Futurama and kept the Simpsons, and just like Family Guy, the comedy has degraded over time and became sub-par. And I...
This has always been a serious question, whick is more popular, Crushed or Cubed ice? Along with others like Shaken or Stirred, or like toasted...
I have been hunting scince I was 12 and I have to say venison is delicious, so keep deer hunting. But bear hunting (while they are the #1 threat...
Sp3c0p5grunt [] [] [] You cant deny this.
Omfg, it"s back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hahahahaha, I wrote on my own profile. What shall I do next?
Where did you get that awesome ROLFCOPETR sig?
First post!!! Anyway, this idea was already taken, and put into a dome, where it's impossible to escape and the settings are so you can't hijack...
Wait, if they taught us that presidents are elected, than that means what they teach us all cant be true.
Reminds me of this one guy who made a website called like conservapedia or something said in response of hearing 10% of Americans don't believe in...
three words, welcome to forgehub