I got bobdonkey when I was trying to make sure my GT wasn't already taken. I had no idea how many sensible ones were still available. I feel a...
That's the funniest thing I've seen all week. Nice find, No! They mutilated him!
That is the funniest thing I've seen all week. Nice find. They mutilated him!
I like the MLG playlist. I don't really see why so many people hate MLG.
Misspelt "Winchester", but I'll forgive you :P Anyway, awesome map!
Fix Africa I suppose. Seriously, 6 trillion dollars? I thought it was 2 trillion. Either way that's a ridiculous amount of money to spend on...
This is a great thread. That door trick on Foundry works a treat! However, I am having difficulty with the other method. I followed the...
Thank God in Heaven. Thank you so, so much for that awesomeness.
Wow, that wasn't even splash damage, you dead-on hit him! That was great!
Epic maybe. I'm undecided. It would make a nice change, but if they were going to make another blank map I would prefer it to be some kind of...
What? Less BR matches in Team Slayer? That's stupid.
I don't mind Epitaph. I can't stand Isolation. I think maybe it's just because it's such a depressing design. It's all shadowed and covered in...
Kind of relevant: how come we can't use new forge items in old levels, like shield doors on Sandtrap? If there's an actual reason for that then...
Rainbow Six Halo? Guitar Halo 3? Halo 3 Worlds? I'm just throwing ideas around.
Sweet! I just love airducts!
Great, we have more sea to enjoy! But that won't solve Global Warming. What good is some nice sea to look at when the world is literally ON FIRE...
BR. Works in pretty much every situation.
Hi all! I saw all the cool maps coming from this site and thought I might aswell join. Yeah, I know I have a stupid name, but I chose that as my...