Hello old friend! I'm back!
Teeth look stupid lol.
Only people that picked Spain, are the only ones that switch teams they support every four years.
I'll make it, and showcase it to you.
I still haven't finished my sock monkey!
And a little bit of vomit. I like it. Simple, but lighting seems to bright for me. But I guess that's why it is not my sig.
Nice. Mine is July 9th, Bloo. I have always backed the Netherlands since Euro 2008. Go Orange!
I still want that cute puppy. I WUN IT.
Hey man!
Yeah.. Blows
Hot damn! I gotta get me one of them!
I like your puppy. Where can I get one?
Trying to work on a new sig. Not going so well because I had to transfer back to gimp. I lost my CS2 :(
Hey man. What's up?
Nova cat looks like a ****ing boss.
The Onion is all fake news. -.- I still laughed though lol.
Oh ok, thanks a bunch.
Well then **** it.. I'll do it live. ****ing thing sucks!
Would you laugh if one day you sign in and you see my name as SargeantSharkasm?