This map was originalled called Final Feast, so apart from the name change this can be considered version two. Map Description: Quarantine Zone...
No problem. I forgot to mention, but some of the zombie respawn points may need repointing, some of them are facing the wall, which means that if...
So I checked out ya map, didn't play it in a game but I looked around it in Forge. First things first, your map would benefit greatly from...
We'll never see the ability to control weather patterns of lighting conditions, apart from the obvious (programming required from bungie), I'm...
Re: Last Defense - Infection Map I can't really say much without seeing pictures or downloading, but what I can suggest is perhaps a rename for...
This thread needs: Link Description Suggested gametype Pictures
Here are the links you can put into your post. Didn't use my photobucket account sorry, uses my bandwidth up but imageshack should be up for the...
I'll download and take a few pics for you. Check this post again.
You're going to have to expand on that. Take Gorebound's post into consideration when making a thread as well. For example, Even though the OP for...
Re: COmpound No link to download....?
One of the most important aspects of a map which is hardly ever mentioned is the map name, have a crummy or average map name and most users will...
Most of the main desired features have been mentioned, so I'll just list something no one has mentioned yet. So, what I'd liked to see is the...
Checked out your map, here is what I think: Your use of structure is pretty good, although some aspects could be fixed with interlocking the...
Not exactly about Bungie Favourites, but I was pretty disappointed with Bungie's efforts when it came to the Halloween infection playlist.
Interesting introductory piece, needs some paragraphing here and there to stop it being a "wall of text". Somehow, I think these efforts will...
Follow the map posting rules, they'll allow people to make a greater judgment, which if your pant is of a good standard, will point towards...
In terms of what you can do, Foundry has been pretty successful and there's been things on there that we would never been able to do on the other...
Someone asked for pictures, so here they are! Also, apologies for being able to see the spawns points in the second picture. <Snip> pictures...
Sound's like a pretty interesting concept, but from the pictures you provided it seems like the zombies may not have that much cover when they...
Sorry for the double post, but can a mod please lock this? I'm currently working on updating this version to make it more balanced. I'll post this...