Just an update, I don't play Halo 3 anymore, I am now totally addicted to gmod (spacebuild, anyone?) I'm XMorcamX on steam, if you care. Yes, the...
The infection map is done! Testing shall now commence...
I played this, and I thought it was fairly fun until the jump part. I got to that, played it for about five minutes, then said "No more miles,...
You must be joking... Wow...
I actually have an ultra early version that inspired me to make this... I've been re-examining it, and I may remake it from scratch. It had...
On one of my zombie maps, I made a pretty simple switch like this, just with dumpsters. Mine was simpler, because it put the zombies in an...
I'm actually still getting back into forge. Another fortress is complete (still in testing, not sure if I'll post it) and the infection map is...
You are not the primary connection host, thus what you see is not actually how everything is. Disconnect from XBL, and boot anyone that you have...
OK, this will probably be my last post for a while, I have not been playing Halo 3 as much, so said infection map has been put on hold. The basic...
What forces the humans to get on the mongooses and get killed by the zombie? Or is that one giant, horrible honor rule?
Massive armory = very bad
Sure, other than the story ;)
While you do have a slideshow, you also need to embed at least one picture. It is a forum rule, and you will have your thread locked if you do...
Interlocking is not necessary, yeah, but on a map like this, he could really use it. Also, I was about to say the "Too Open" statement myself. All...
Wrong. There is more interlocking than meets the eye. Interlocking is used wherever it is necessary to get everything to fit together smoothly and...
I have taken your suggestion. The thread is now named "Revelation." Actually, that was incredibly easy... Thanks :)
I'll be quite honest, this looks extremely simple, quickly built, and imbalanced. If someone who has played this can say otherwise, you have a...
And, of course, a new fortress type map is in the works. It will not have "Fortress" in it's name. That is all. (Oh, and maybe a new infection map...
First off, I fail at backstories :P Secondly, yeah, this is a really old thread, and have you seen Fortress: Revelation? It is essentially a...
No. There is no way to do it normally. You can go over the total item limit with some careful usage of save changes, but not a single itme limit,...