Uhhh does the man cannon box send you on a platform, or something with a wall behind it? Cannon mans dont always do the same exact shot, so it...
Uhhhh.... *groan* I dont know what to say... Ill at least give you a 3/5...
If you put a corner wall above the overshield to match up perfectly with the wall, it might be inescapable, or just put grav lifts or cannon mans...
interlocking isnt everything.. you only need it to make it look smooth, and his map looks plenty smooth, I give him a 4.5/5
my map was pointless or the ghost town map was pointless?
Salvation came... But time flows like a river, and history repeats itself... Created by Big Boy 2013 [IMG] See parts 3, 2, and 1 for more info....
I would go clikc on the pics, but my comp is going really slow today...
Wow, its actually kind of tough to get out, unlike the other ones which you just grab a grav lift, or you just jump over the wall, 5/5, defiant...
Uhm if you escape, are you able to get back in??? Otherwise 5/5
It could use a few more pics, but from what I see, it doesnt look open like a lot of maps, and looks good, 4/5
This racetrack looks great, 5/5
Good job, if you make one look nicer with interlocking, that would probably be a good dler, but otherwise, its still great, I tried this trick...
Yes, it is. This is a double post with just a different name, Plz do not do that! Proof: The Sewers
Even without interlocking, this map looks pretty good. It uses the whole height of foundry almost. 4/5.. srry, accidentally put 1/5 O.o
If you dont know interlocking, try out the Forging 101 link, That will help alot. Sorry, it doesnt have much resemblance to a sewer... 2/5
Yeah, I never liked this version. My friends played it alot, and never made me party leader to play my way-better maps. (Lol) And I dont see any...
Uhh 3/5, it looks good with the elevator, but way too open, but interlocking is present. Try making more structures in the open areas.
Nice, never would have thought of using doors to get you places... Nice interlocking btw.
Ok, I have come to a solution... I will continue the series. But instead of another map on avalanche, I will take a big challenge... A map on...