Hey guys, I thought I'd check in after seeing this thread. I'm 22, finished with school, and have a job. I play some battlefield, gta v, bioshock,...
Damn, that's really cool. I realize you didn't say CnC but I think you should have more blank triangles (w/o the white circle design). Other than...
MadWolf, it's a pretty fun game just for messing around. It's a very cathartic game for me lol. People with mental issues should NOT play the game...
1) School internet sucks 50% of time 2) Just found out youtube auto quality changes quality mid-stream, which I'm pretty sure restarts the loading...
Woowwww, I thought that was a spoiler for season 3. Haven't seen the finale either -____- ...I guess I figured just as well though...
Whoa, addicting game. Made it to 500,000 cookies and stopped. Exciting stuff
Just beat it.. The first GTA I've ever beaten lol. Anyways, I won't spoil anything, just gonna say I will continue to play. Got a lot to do still :P
I'm at 60%. Just hijacked a plane at the airport and skydived to the highest point... and got stuck. Lol. This game is beyond expectation. So far...
I'm at 50% or so, the missions are really fast paced and diverse. It's awesome. I haven't encountered any sharks yet... but I'm very afraid. You...
I've gotten some major pop in while driving the fastest car down a straight away but that's pretty much it. Played for a good 3-4 hours last night...
I installed the install disk not the play disc. I played a little just now and it worked fine. Idk, must be something with dust in the vents. I'll...
Am I the only one having gameplay issues? It froze twice yesterday in 40 minutes.. My xbox is horizontal with nothing blocking the vents, it has...
Yeah, it's an older model. I played a little bit after that post and it didn't freeze... Got my fingers crossed. I haven't gone outside the city...
After playing for another 2 hours it's frozen twice on me... Had to restart about 4 missions back the first time, and haven't turned on my xbox...
Pretty sweet so far. I've only played like an hour... I kind of liked GTA IV's driving better, took more skill. Maybe I'll get used to this but...
It's hard to believe it's coming out in 2 days. That was fastt
Seems legit
The goonies. yeeeesssssss. Just sayin
Well, ****. I'm beaten lol Very impressive sir
Attempt 2 :) [IMG]