Aesthetics, like every1's already said, are great. It looks very fun, and Lost, most people on Forgehub won't actually play a map b4 they rate it,...
Skittles, Ur map's finally out!!! I see why U called it farm house. It's got some great interlocking. Nice one!
Looks great man, wd. even tho it looks hard to fall off, i still think this track would take some skill. I like skill.
This actually looks pretty good. Not a whole lot of major interlocking, but it still looks fun.
No offense, but if ur not gonna bother interlocking the bridges, then turn them the other way, so at least there's no bump.
rofl waffles. POWER TO THE PEOPLE...who have no life... YEEYA BOI!!
I would be EXTREMELY surprised if there was NOT another inhabited planet somewhere. Surely Earth isn't the only planet with livable conditions?
looks kewl. one Q tho. Which is the zombie, white or black? I'm guessing black but in the last pic it says last stand with the black one...
DOA, watch this, it will help u w/ interlocking. I know it helped me.
This looks dope (that means cool, if u didn't already know). A word of advice for the prisoners: DON'T DROP THE SOAP!!!
Looks great, I'm not that into race maps but It looks like there's a few too many obstacles in the 3rd pic.
Well, this map's main (and possibly only) plus is that it's on a default map. Other than that, basically what every1 else is saying.
Quinn, u double posted. And dude, settle down a bit; just ignore comments like that and strive for better things. I like that the Roadrunner is...
Looks sweet, srsly. I like just about every thing about the map. I'm glad u fixed the walls & X's in ur update, cuz the one is really wonky.
Looks nice, but I'm not a fan of shield doors. They encourage camping more often than not. Shield doors with space underneath to chuck a nade is...
Kewl!! I less than three Choppers. And the bridges form H, A. Hijack Arena or laughing in ur enemies face.
Wow that's the best image embed tutorial I've ever seen! EDIT: Damnit Kn1ght!
YAY a map on Ghost Town. But it's for infection. *Sad Faic*
Holy Carp!! [IMG] This map looks frikkin awesome. I'm thuper thereal right now. Gameplay looks amazing on it.
That was a long post! That looks cool. I like the skybox.