Prety sure they wont push it back farther and the creature editor demo is going to be awsome im going to make some of the covenant species like...
Spore is a pc game comming out on Septemper 7th and it is by the creaters of Sims and Simcity I have been waiting 3 years for it and you play the...
this dose look like a nice racing map but i still like Loop D better
This is my favorite racing map and my brothers will never stop bugging me to play this and your other map Circus there both great nice work!
dude that must suck losing something 3 freaking times and getting your identity stolen GOD DAMN HACKERS!!
I dont really care i reacently switched to elite because i never saw any online and i wanted to be one of the Few the Proud the Elites!
Me and my friends always played rock paper scissors during tests in like 5th grade and i always chose paper for some reason and i got halo pc for...
My best achevment ive gotten so far was steppen razor but i just dont want to do meta game and beat it on legendary im so lazy
This is my favorite map and me and my brothers play it alot together with friends but i just hate the fact that my brother sneaks down and...
One of the best maps around it is extreamly fun with me and all my friends!