I've got down there before, there is nothing that special about it from a picture taking standpoint. plus why would someone waste a slot for this...
so in the gametype can you not jump? because when you can see them all, it would really not be that hard to get through.
I believe it is spelled Fallujah..... felucia is a planet in star wars... Anyways the map looks kind of hastily put together, and you...
I agree with him, citadel is already a smallish map, so why do we need another, don't get me wrong, midship was a good map, but like he said, it...
I like it, nice clean map, covers the basics quite well, and doesn't F*** around with fancy yet useless crap. I really like how you made the...
Love the map, great work. i love how you split the groups of cov. up, the ten second weapon rule is genious, everything just works. love the...
i know, but it would be funner without mandatory skulls on that you don't want, i know the IWBYD and cowbell skulls and such won't be mandatory,...
nah, it wouldn't work at all, on the tech side, or the fun side
I think it is stupid how skulls automatically turn on to increase difficulty, i mean i see it game play wise, but what if i don't want to fight...
You probably will, but i really hope you are fighting Elites again in REACH, i mean, as cool as brutes are, when you fight them, you can't help...
Scuba level is gonna be cool, infiltrating some ****......er rebel/extremist/russian/terrorist hidout. Fun
Haha, Saturate looks a lot like the cover to the Breaking Benjamin album cover for Saturate. i get it. nice. First one is pretty BA also, but...
I dont get it, why would anyone be a tarheel's fan??? JK. those are some pretty sweet pics. the ones with Rouge in the explosions aren't that...
It didn't matter, as long as Joe couldn't figure out how to reload his carbine, he would never really be one of the "guys".
DeeJ Likes, both are sweet pics, but i'll have to admit that the glare takes a little away from the second, Still **** though.
that's stupid. *****. wow hahahaha. not funny.
xxDeeJxx : The path of enlightenment is long, and filled with hardships, the ball of enlightenment is sticky, and filled with high explosive.
Map editing on computers is a given, the games have to come with all the tools anyways. Forge was just supposed to be moving guns around, etc....
hey, i remembers testing this, best BR of the game Nyways, great map, nice flow and beautiful constructed
this map is hell-u tight. great aesthetic map, love the temple, like the sphinx, like the guys in teh thrones, overall, badass. i would love to...