I remember testing this map about a week ago, it was alot of fun. The walkway's were smooth, and there was enough cover. It was played best with 1...
Alright, alright, ill make a v2 within a few weeks, thefence walls are pretty much the only thing that effect the gameplay from slopiness, the...
Yeh, the sloppiness is mainly just making sure people cant escape. The fence walls and some of the other parts are just meant to be like that, but...
Hello everybody, today I bring you my newest map, which is competitive (a first for me :P) This map is called "Sanction" I mainly focused on geo...
haha, I remember play testing this with you. It is far better than the original version, this was one of the best moments in that TGIF, but it...
No, this isnt racist, this really does happen though, its not racist meaning, the mexicans do actually escape various cop chases by crossing over...
I test played this level with you, it has nice interlocking, but i found various ways to escape the level, especially by grenade jumping. You...
Looks like a fun map, pretty smooth too, nice job on interlocking that fence box. I'm a big fan of infection games, so I will download soon. This...
:P, a couple its fun with, about 4 people its fun with. BUT if you get 12 people or more... YOUR GONNA ROFL YO PANTS xD (im not kidding :P)...
Hi there guys, you might have seen some of my maps that I have posted on here, but I've never introduced myself completley. So I'm...
Ya, only reason I posted this is because it wasn't posted before, or atleast not that I can find.
Stll interlocks them though, which is the main point in my opinion, also it isnt that time consuming, and is easier for good interlocks in my...
Hello members of forgehub. Today I've brought to you a new way of interlocking, that has not yet been posted. I tried this a few weeks after I...
I try my best to interlock :P, and looks like it payed off now :P. If anyone posts here, I will try my best to quote and reply, as I check this...
I have to give a 3/5, reason being, many ideas have been done like this in the past, and not to be negative, this is one of the low ones. The...
Looks like alot of junk piled into a pile, and a wall corner for the respawns? Not very original.
Actually, it is a maze, it has more than 4 rooms for one, it also has hallways and dead ends. If you ask me, it's a maze, as for the part about...
Not very realistic, theres no quarterpipe, so the mega ramp, doesnt make any sense, a mega ramp has a quarter pipe at the end, otherwise its not a...
Nice to know that your still here, watching this post, and I am making a new map come out soon, you will all enjoy it i think :)
Heh, looks like everybody is rating thier own threads now-a-days. Anyways, this map looks pretty fun to play on, I will download it tomorrow, 5:30...