These are the screens I uploaded for the last Bungie mythic map pack photo competition deal. Figured I'd get 'em out here for everyone to look...
Funny man. Took me about 30 seconds to see it lol.
Gametype Name: CE slayer, short for Combat Evolved slayer. Author: wildman will22 (ME) Brief Description: Slayer variant simulating Combat Evolved...
Well thanks, I'm thinking about making a Halo 3 remake. :squirrel_wink:
I've never played Goldeneye, (although I do own a n64) but your map looks pretty sweet. qued
It's all good, I got everything fixed up :)
I already read that, and it didn't give me very much info. But thanks anyway.
This is my remake of Chiron TL34. It took me over 20 hours to make (I was home sick) and I am very proud of it. It's pretty much the same map that...