Here's a video I made before Halo 4 came out. Just now getting to posting it here lol, my bad. Halo 4 is so addicting :p Enjoy! Cloud - Scopulus...
I love the feel of this map. It is not only a well thought out map, it also has exceptional building style, and for that I tip my hat to you. It...
I remember this map. Great job still, Pegasi!
Hello all. If you do not know me, I used to be very active on this forum several years ago (~2008-2010). I've decided to hop back into Halo and...
I'm alive.
Yea I've been gone for a while. Tell me your skills and your combat level along with your items in bank and quests points Then I can...
I've heard so many stories of people getting scammed in either case; buying or selling. My advise, just hang on to it. You'll eventually have...
My God. Just by looking at the base pictures, I saw enormous scale and incredible architecture. If it's anything like Utah Mumbo (which I'm sure...
In my 2 1/2 years of forging I've never seen such a simple design with that much perplexity involved forge-wise. The lift looks flawless, the...
Well it does end tomorrow, but i may extend it one or two days - seeing as no one has entered anything except one person.
I'll tell you once it comes time to end it.
Citadel nope just put it in your fileshare and I'll look at it.
Well, it's a bit tricky but no not as hard as his last one.
Yes. Upload it to your file share and get the link from B.Net, then send it to those three contacts or in a PM here.
Babylon - CONTEST MAP - Marathon (1600 ms points) -ENDED ::Scopathon:: Top Times (anonymous until contest ends) 1. 00:55 2. open- 3....
Like I said before, tell me you want one in and I'll put it in.
oh sweet thanks for putting it up for me. :D
This has a Renegade, halo 2's Gemini, and all around Bungie look to it. Looks so great! I'll have to download this one and get back to you with my...
Also I think you formed your opinion from the pictures not from the actual walk through :p
Video up. And yes. They have somewhat high gravity.