It is a multi bomb game but neutral bomb may work.
Version 3 of My Destroy The Base Map! Destroy Base is a map I have been working on for a few days. It was origionally (spelling) intended for an...
The Pictures Work!!!!!!!
Destroy Base is a map I have been working on for a few days. It was origionally (spelling) intended for an assault gametype, but works ok with...
Pics are a bit small enlarge them please.
It's been done before, but IF you made it... good job.
Nice work. Reminds me of a MLG map. Keep on Forging
Maybe A little mor estory, but other than that good work.
Looks Fun. Nice Work.
Cool. This deserves a Bungie Favorite. Good Work.
Looks Cool. If you fall will the coils blow up or will you just get stuck?
First Post Bitchezzzzzz. Now on a more serious note, looks cool so far, keep it coming.
When I first read this I thought " OMG a Capture the flag map on cold storage" But you pulled it off, good job!
Spelling made it difficult but it looks cool.
Nice Job, Great Interlocking
Wow..... looks awesome Downloded... It is awesome... Try MLG capture the flag It's really fun
Looks cool... How is it a simulator?
Looks Awesome,Good Job! You have my DL
Nice Job dude! In all my time forging with my friends, I've never seen anyone make a map on snowbound!!! Way to do the Impossible!
Nice Job.... My friend tried to do that before... EPIC FAIL... but yours kicks @$$.