These pics look very good, you are an artise in Paint!
I know that people use Photobucket to crop images, but what do they use to make them?
Damn that looks good, Can't wait to play it!
The picture look very good, that mapz r tactkal n00b
It is good, but there's some glitches in it, 4/5
Wow, nice ship! It can also be a Machinima stage.
Nice curves, may be the best skatepark I've seen so far! Nice work!
Pretty nice, but try and make some better details next time! 3/5
Whoa, over-sized, Foundry-made helmets!
This looks epicly-l33t, nice interlocking too
Great map 4/5 and for an arena gametype, it'll be AWESOME!!!
That looks great and smooth
That is so awesome of a map, nice interlocking and one question, how do you make the objects stay up on a sideways on walls?
This looks great, but I don't seem to be able to make items like boxes outside of Foundry...
This really looks great, maybe the best remake of TGWOC! (The Great Wall Of China)
This looks like a total epic map, I'm gonna DL it, 5/5.
This map looks great, should you make a sequel? Or just another version to fix some glitches...
This looks like an awesome map to me, gotta DL 5/5
This map looks good, but the treehouse , one big pimp treehouse!!
This looks good to me, seriously, I sometimes make maps that are so bad... :( Also you can try making some more space in the map, like bigger...