No, that's not what I meant. I'm saying that if I geomerge the boxes that are right next to the wall, there will be a gap between them and the...
Again, geomerging this late in the game is not an option. The map is 99% done -- geometry, weapons, equipment, spawn points, etc. are all in place...
I'm out of window panels. Used three to cover up one of the office windows and the others to patch miscellaneous problems...
My Foundry map has a three-story building set against one of the corners of the main room. The double boxes that form the building's outer...
I think it's true that people should be more tolerant of non-interlocked maps, and not simply refuse to look at them if they don't have it. At the...
The thing I don't get is the small gap between the platform and the wall opposite the stairs, in the sections on each side of the big metal...
Hey, thanks! The article as it stands now is not exactly mine anymore, though, since it's seen extensive changes since then. The original version...
Sorry if I overreacted. It's just that I've had content of mine claimed by someone else as their work on more than one occasion -- including by a...
Eh, it's possible to make a non-abandoned map. Bungie even made some themselves. For instance, The Pit is a UNSC training facility, as is Last...
furbyxxx is right. Kagemusha's first post is copied verbatim from the essay Determining the Real Sizes of Objects in Halo by longtime HBO member...
I was having the same problem with bridges. I was trying to lay them flat on the ground upside-down (black side up), and lined up end-to-end to...
You might be on to something. I do press objects against the ground and against adjacent objects to make sure they're flat, since everything you...
I'm one hundred percent sure I let go, and that it is perfectly straight. Absolutely certain about that. I haven't tried it on other maps yet,...
The problem I was having with my bridges seems to have spread to other objects. Now, many of the walls and double boxes that I place are changing...
Nah, I'm by myself right now. What's really strange is that it happens when starting a new game, but not when starting a new round. What's the...
One last bizarre turn of events: I placed a bridge upside-down on the ground as before, aligning it with the floor markings. I then took four...
Alright, this is getting really weird. I took two bridges -- one right-side-up, one upside-down -- and placed them directly on the ground, not...
I've seen a lot of people around here interested in making remakes of campaign levels from Halo 2 (myself included), but it's not always an easy...
Small world, I'm finishing my Outskirts map right now. :cool: If you ask me, you should go with the Council Chamber. This isn't out of fear of...
Bridges have been giving me trouble lately, which sucks because they play a major part in my map design. I had my first problem while trying to...