I would try to forge the sets, what exactly would you need done?
Although nothing like the space mountain at Disney World its a nice looking map
[IMG] Haha yea.
How do you make a signature picture a link
If this **** costs 60 bucks your all getting ripped off.
Ahh thats a good one im getting a echo m4 for my self. COD:WAW Airsoft **** Farcry 2 And hopefully they got a dlc pack for fallout 3 by then.
is it a download
whats sketchup is it a 3d engine or something
Yo man what part of Illinois are you from cause i live in a little town called Monticello by Champaign
^^ ya i concur
thanks man where at on divient art and how do you download and use fonts from dafont. EDIT: I have vista and cs3 and i cant find the files to...
where is the splatter brush is it even on cs3
I got photoshop and have no idea how to use it if any1 could shed light on my problem i would be thankful :happy::happy::happy::confused:
I have cs3 where is the splatter brush just got it today.
wheres the splatter brush
haha thats good
Hows it hangin'
[IMG] Gt 500kr [IMG] 1980 z28...I own one.