Yeah you really need to post some pics man otherwise no one will download it, (e.g: me)
Wow, nice map
make the pics bigger plz.
I'm wondering how on earth this thread got a four-star rating!
I am glad that the voting system in this year's Best of Forge competition was fair since we al had a chance to nominate our favourite maps.
Nice maps. I've played most of them. What video-editing software do you use?
Nicely done since it's your first map. 4/5.
Wow really good map.
I've always wanted to say this. Your post does not meet ForgeHub standards. Seriously upload some pics.
Wow, you really like electric chairs since you put them in every map lol. I'll download it.
Wow, brilliant and fun map. Well done!
Wow, brilliant map. i'm defintely downloadin it
I finished it in 86 secs. Brilliantly designed and really fun to play on. Thx for making the map!
Pics dont work
It needs to have more interlocking other than that, nice try
I think that the Humans should be zombies instead of the other way round. Other than that, good map.
I wish Bungie just gave us a city map like the one from Halo 2
The links don't work
And Dreadnaught. Yes, this is a brilliant map.
How do you expect us to see when the Nova effect appears on our screens?