Mainly Used for Capture the Flag, Oddball and Slayer cuase every time I try to add anything else it says "It can not be placed to many on map"...
A redo of the Naked Gun intro using GTA IV (Not Done By Me)
The Beatles are by far the best and almost every band that are out now if you ask them who influnced them, The Beatles would be on that list. I...
He ran like a little girl
The second episode of my clans newest series called "Chemical". The voice arn't that good, but please whatch and comment...
The beggining of our newest machinima sereies. Starring two unexperienced soldiers who have been promoted to the "Secail Forces". Their first...
Featuring (In order of apearance): BRYANANDNICK Stealth Ninja88 LT BANDIT Wesanator 007 Curlnizzle Tavarius777 Our first montage, not to fancy...
I couldnt even make it to the "good stuff"
It says in the discription. Up to eight players and yes you can pick up weapons.
Cagematch 002 An enclosed battle arena with one pillar in the middle. Powerups on the map consists of One Camo that respawns every 30 scnds. One...
I thought it would be cool and i was bored any way so chat it up with me in the chat box or on live
Name of Video:Dashboard by Modest Mouse Url of Video: Short description of video in your own words: A...
Hi Ghost. Looks epic man can't wait for the first episode
Thanks for the comments and I, obviously, Like the song, hence, using it for a music video.
A music video I made with my clan. Did really well on _JRPfkeIh8w