Looks very aesthetically pleasing, you did a good job creating a room, even the child is recognizable as a person. Kind of a messed up theme...
No, it's just that the ForgeHub standards say that you must have a description of your map. Also, you will get more downloads if people know...
This map looks great and very interesting, but is there really anything keeping players from entering the other side of the map?
Could someone make a tutorial on how to geomerge perfectly on the dunes of sandbox? I've seen it done SO many times, but I can't figure it out!
This was one great map. I remember testing it, it was great. It played well with all gametypes. I really liked the B sign room, how the fences...
I think this is really good. If you were going for the Orange Knight, though, you could make it more recognizable buy interlocking Red Columns and...
I'm really getting sick of joke posts. If it isn't a joke post and I just think that the map has no concept, I apologize. This map really took...
Okay, this is the best infection map ever, and I'm not even exaggerating. I was hosting a big custom game last night and I didn't have any good...
Hah, I'm loving the idea. I can't believe nobody thought of this sooner. It looks like a greatly forged map, and accurate to the fight scene in...
Looks like an okay racetrack, but I only download tracks that have something special about them, like the trees on Space and the Woods or the...
Omg. My eyes burn from so much geomerging. O_O That's not necessarily a bad thing. I could NEVER geomerge to this extent, as I've always been...
I'm not sure if you guys feel the same way, but I'm getting really annoyed with the amount of racetracks being submitted to ForgeHub. I know that...
Sorry man, but if you want to post a gametype, you need a map to go with it. It's FORGEhub not GAMEhub. Also, for future reference, you need a...
Thanks, in the first versions of the map, I wanted to get into the "watchtower" areas, but I didn't know how to teletap. Thanks to the community...
This was stolen. GateHouse by Val Man, if you edit someone's map, and you plan to post it on ForgeHub, get the original Forger's permission,...
I'm so sick of race tracks, in my opinion they're all the same thing... I don't think they should be allowed to get featured, there's never any...
Looks like a good map, but I'm pretty sure you need to have only the title of the map for the title of the thread, nothing more, nothing less....
Would it be possible to geomerge a weapon holder on a Pre-DLC map? I was thinking of the perfect Zanzibar remake, and I think it would be cool if...
1. Playing infection as intended is killing humans. Playing a user-created gametype as intended is doing whatever the user created it for. 2....
They spawn at 180 seconds, so it's usually when theres only one human left. Also, its very easy to hijack the tanks and plant a grenade, so I...