Fixed your thing.
Wow! How much do they cost? I want one before I go to Italy lol :P
Does Halo count?
Spinary concubine Liquid planes
Why coffee gymnastic? Motorrcycle unibrow, extracentral, plastic extra nylon cow!
Yeah lol go on then.
She looks like she's having a ****, look at the expression on her face, and Zerosuns woman is hot.
Your a few months late.
I vote for Zerosun because I prefer the render (woman) and the stuff around it looks amazing. And it also looks like tila tequila who is hot.
Lol wtf!?
Yeah well, you know what I mean lol.
No problem man, any time =] There's the download link =] Posotive feedback appreciated :P
Yeah I know =] Party all day to that song dude :P
Yeah I got it now, I'll upload it for you =]
I know, but for my rank, it was easy, just took me long =]
Yeah but thats like more than 3000 double exp games. Lol this guy sending me private messaged wants me to get him a 50
I just do social slayer now. I'm about 5300 exp away from General Grade 4 y'know
Lol, I wanted to see your highest skills :P