If it's not too much, could we please get a picture of the Helm's Deep Part? Also, this looks.....just soooo amazing. I just dl'd it, try to get...
Maybe make the screenshots bigger so we can see, and also did you seriously name it "Shadow of" because its just smaller? Or because of the...
Not only does this not look anything like Scrapyard from MW2, but It look way way too open to be able to really be too playable. Also one picture...
Just to verify, I believe it is a very mature map, because at that age of maturity is when pregnancy can happen. : p Anyway even if it doesn't...
This is an amazing aesthetic map! When you were discussing this in the Forge Discussion, I had no idea that you meant for them to be really big....
I say go for it. It probably be pretty cool to see. Now if you can make them move around and hunt us down, you would really be my hero.
I did something like this before... *cough cough* bunker hill *cough cough* Yeah though, it would've been a cool concept, but there really would...
Im thinking an Aircraft Carrier, or a Cruiseship.
Im not a troll. Its an inside joke between me and fuzzy. Well I think its funny at least between us. Yeah though, Fuzzy Im actually happier...
Wait... so its a cruiseship? Anyway it looks quite awesome so far. Definitely can't wait to see the interior thats for sure. Make sure to put...
If you loved skate 1 or 2 then this is a must buy
I know not many people may have this game but if you do, I would truly appreciate to bring each of our parks to this site. Post a link to your...
^ Probably the funniest thing I've heard all day. Maybe provide another picture of the map though, showing more but I guess you could still make...
Theres some criticism. And yea I know its a bit boring. But as far as the text blur goes, thats the effect I was goin for.
Thats why I posted his best his best videos, besides the 25 things i hate about facebook. I think everybody's seen it.
Exactly. The videos make no sense but are filmed so well and have great acting that you must applaud his greatness. " I pee'd on my Iphone, and...
These are my Top 5 favorite videos he's made so far... YouTube - JULIAN SMITH - Beached Whale YouTube - JULIAN SMITH - One Bad App YouTube...
Good sum up. Did you just call me a new guy also? Cause i've been here longer than you buddy. Anyway criticize my work while your at it.
Criticize Dammit! I put a better on the eyes version on the first page replacing the bigger one
That should be better acquainted for The 'Almighty' Matty.