If you dont want to change the layout, just give the Red team carbines a the start. otherwise its a good map.
I think he does.
On prepare to Drop, Can I help make a V2. Just message me on Xbox Live. Gt Supreme321
This is the worst map ever!!! Na I am just joking. Probaly the best Orbital map I have seen. 5/5
This map is very messy, and armories are very bad. This map needs improving.
Halo Crusades Please join Halo Crusades, its free and fun.:happy: Halo Crusades is a RPG.
Did you geomerge shield doors into the box? P.S join Halo Crusades Halo Crusades
Not so good. Zombies dont stand a chance. Also armories. Unbalanced, but overall decent job. 3.5
Just looking at the pictures makes me want to play infection on this map. Currently I am making a map called Life or Death v1. It will be out...
I don't even know anything aboput Halo 2 I onlyp layed Halo 3 sorry for not commenting on your .... well your thing lets call it.
1. I have no way to explain it 2. Someone came on your map while your tkaing and put a lelpoter under your bos somehow and left 3. Halo 3 ghost is...
Yay i'm very smart but, i'm as horable speller- and I ahve all A's the whole year and i'm in a very good scoll.
Count me in to for testing I'm ready
No explosion for me but someone sahould post an exploding elaphant.
You shuould intrerlock next time correct and see forging 101 tutorial on interlocking.
Thsi a good map but, I ask is he battlec of the map consitrated in the middle.
Well this is a good map but, this map can be much better with the items I said above.
Ths iisn't that sgood of a map- oyu could show some more esriptive pictures and I don't see may weapons on the map -these are two items that can...
Thsi may be na advertisment but, my master nealsking is a good forger.
Yes you should move ist to forge disscusion + you can just male a empty csanvase realy easily.