yeah, some more pics would be great. but from the ones you gave us it looks awesome. im gonna download because i love avalanche race maps, the...
its qued to download man. i looked at the last one when it first came out and thought you could have done better. but something i liked on the...
this looks really good, i like the layout. good merging and nice geomerging. i cant my geomerged stuff to work right all the time, so if you got...
this looks pretty sweet
trenches looks really cool. but yeah it does look escapable. i might go make my own version :)
im only at my 30s and thats taken me like a month.... thats alot of posts dude
looks good, good aesthetics
i havent seen anyone make battleships yet. pretty original nice job
when i saw the first picture i was like. wow thats a big fort. then i said only one entrance? but theres alot. looks pretty good. a little sloppy...
looks good, looks like some clean interlocking and geo merging
the pics arent working for me...
looks pretty good, are those teleporter glowing things supposed to make a smiley face?
theres not even a link lol
this map looks incredible.... i love the middle bowl looking thing
looks pretty good. but in the last picture it looks like you can just grenade jump on top of the doubleboxes
this map looks incredible, i love the whole tunnel underneath idea, nice interlocking and geomerging. great job.
looks really good, but the only thing i saw is that the middle looks like ti would be a hassle to get around because of all the multi levels.
the pics are really small, but that curved wall you have in one of the pics looks very nicely made, props
thats alot of power weapons
could be done better, looks a bit messy like someone said, and i know this is supposed to be a crash site, but needs more cover