Download Porcelain Pony. It has a flush that opens a gate.
I just wanna ask about the room w/ the windows and he shottie. How did you make it? Thats my fave part of the map, and I wanna make sure you did...
I played 1 on 1 with 110% speed, great fun.
Re: Combat Hall You got Lintendo's Download!!! That's like, a great honor. I'm going to DL!!!
Re: new Halo DLC Agreed orange, but it seems to be pretty blank except for a center building surrounded by side buildings with bridges connecting...
This reminds me of Lintendo's map Intersection ad should be featured.
Fix your screens.
Re: Rat Race : Accurate CE Remake Ill replace my other rat race remake with this one. Good Job!
Sounds Like Narrows to me.
I think this goes in Casual/Mini Game maps.
This reminds me of Well from TF2. (the map with a bunch of trains)
There are deployable grav lifts, I never thought of using them like that. I'm debating if I should delete them for you can get on top of the map...
Added Walkthrough video.
Look at the Remake Database, it'll be there.
Wow... Um... Sorry? I apoligize for being so harsh. This is a good remake. My impressions Were based on the screens of this. This is a lot closer...
I still downloaded, I will post a much more in-depth report later.
I don't find this that interesting, compared to the extremely dominant Asphalt. The best part I see from the screenshots is the scenery (Vending...
Re: pit port The pit is a great map to forge on, my favorite that isn't foundry. The only downer is how many infection maps are placed, and...
Re: Anti-King: You sure don't want to be in this hill!! That's a really innovative concept. DLing.
This is a tombstone remake, not a hang 'em high! it has halo 2 spawns!!!