What he sings is true! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PR8qMpKYm5E
Yup, Hydro has a point there... Hmm. I made it as best I could for Sandtrap. Thank you all for feedback. Now off to go do something unintelligible.
You have a point there.... I guess I could make different variations of a VIP gametype. I'll definately consider doing that, thanks for the idea.
I mentioned a scoring mechanism, keep track of it yourself. And I know about the budget glitch, I just decided to make it within the maps limit. I...
I'm actually messing around on it right now if anyone wants to join. And thanks for thinking it has some potential. :]
A resurection of my first map ever. I remade it the other day. Anyways, This is a race for Sandtrap. Every land vehicle is at the beginning of the...
You missed my one minute of punching the cat in the 3rd round of snow mice that flowers ((RECON!!!)) left when it started. :cry: I feel so left...
Not everyone has the patience to geomerge. Onto the map, Yes, I agree with him up there, it's like... in the middle and could use more cover....
It's a deployable cover. Duh. Does nobody know the effect of a deployable cover blowing up? Anyways, nice pic, 4/5 on BNet
I know, I'm workin' on that right now.
Remember to brush your teeth like this everyday. The dentists are wrong, he is right. Enjoy. EDIT :: There we go, got it up....
Kudos on another good map. I can't wait to try it out with a giant party. It'll have just as much purple as Sapphire! Lol. Anyways, 4/5 from the Fish.
I can't finish it! It's so hard! 5/5 for difficulty and creativity and interlocking. And yeah. So anyways, its good, especially if you can finish it.
No, this is worse than QR-SSS The main reason it won is because of the several accounts made just to vote for it.
I've already seen a different variant of this posted the other week called 'Shooting Ducks'. It honestly looks like you just copied that idea. And...
He/She explains what it is in the reason for editing. Other than that... No. I'm not really seeing me using this in the future. 2/5 from me.
From what I can see it looks very well made. Maybe where the mongooses are, interlock the boxes together for a small touch of aesthetics. That...
Sweet, I'll look at the v2 and get back to you with results. EDIT : If your an attacker you can still get into the defenders base by jumping over...
I just played on the non temporary version and I got out of the map right away. I played on the gametype provided. I got out on the attackers and...
Just edit the post. Its a lot easier than having it deleted.