NEEDS TO BE FEATURED. Aesthetics, um really good. Playability, um really good. Design, um really good. I love this map with some 6v6 or 8v8...
You are my hero. I loved Colossus and this remake is really well done 4.5 of 5 (Only because of some minor bump/lost nade issues, but I think...
personally, i would add some sort of jump ups to get in between the crossings for a nifty slayer gametype. That would make this awsome map...
Looks nice, but the scale of the map is a real problem even with one on one. I found myself getting on killing streaks until my friend got lucky,...
With a little modification, this could be a decent arena map too. You could even keep the mongeese for a sort of "Goose Battle," maybe reminicent...
This map has major flaws: 1. The overall construction is sloppy. 2. The map is too small and contains easy spawn camping points. 3. The fusion...
Nice job, really looks great! The athsetics are perfect, especialy in the curved hallway with the mauler jump-up. The gameplay is a little bit...
Nice job, I like the map. I think there should be some minor adjustments to things like the "B" tower, to make it a little bit more useable, but...
This map is OK, but you need to spread out your structures, and add more cover in the open spaces. Also, try making the main structures less...
You should start teaching classes to people on interlocking and geomerging, you are a pro at that. I like the map, but it is a bit small for my...
I like the map, but I never use the "pit" on either side of the map. In my opinion, you should make the side structures less powerful, and add...
Um, wow. Craftsmanship is amazing. I love the high speed parts, but my friends tended to fall off and die way to often. Very unique, because I...
More pics would be nice, but that is totally your choice, although you must realize that you may turn people away from DLing the map from lack of...
Very unique, I like the "multi level-ness" of it. You always have to be on your toes. The map could be a bit neater, but the job you have done...
Nice map, but I think the towers are a bit uneven with the annoying yellow beam, I think that somehow making your own beam would be good. Other...
The wall has an uncany resemblance to AMP's wall, and seeing as no geomerging was used on the rest of the map, I think it is. Just to let you...
Good looking aesthetics, nice interlocking, very unique design, well done layout. I see no problems with this map other than the size constraints...
If you made your pics bigger, I might be informed enough to decide if I want to download. On another note, the map seems to break all the rules...
A bit Onslaughtish, but that is not a bad thing at all. The only issue I could have is the double box going up to each tower, it could be...
I like this map, it has great features and superb flow with the interlocking. My only qualm with this map is that it is too small for all but a...