Thank god. Someone who speaks the truth. I love bass to death. I would suggest starting out on bass, at least.
The shaded part is his ears. I like it, it's unique.
Personally, I like the text, but thanks for the input. Iv'e always had a problem with space management in my sigs, so i'll keep that in mind.
[IMG] Used in my latest sig. I suggest you go to and get the stocks they have.
JMJ is a bullet designation, and .405 is a poosible caliber, so I just assumed... ... Sorry
Why are you named after a type of bullet?
My first sig in god knows how long, I'm rather pleased with it considering I haven't been actively making sigs in a while. Cnc appreciated!...
The key to making better sigs is confidence. Don't degrade your own sig, it will just hurt you in the long run. It's very good for a first sig....
First off, it depends on the size of the land governed. A small country can easily get by well with a direct democracy, because it doesn't take...
It should be done right now. That shop had like 3 requests, and they can't even handle that? I'll take my buisness to a shop that gets **** taken...
Do you know how lucky you have to be just to get into the mob? Over 100,000+ people could potentially be playing.
Top Ten video game soundtracks: 1. The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind 2. The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time 3. FFX 4. Fable 5. Halo: CE 6. Mass...
^ Lol I'm more exited for ODST, simply because i'm dyeing over the wait for it. Iv'e been hoping bungie would make an ODST game since the ODST...
Even though unspeakable acts of violence like this do happen, its one gruesome death out of hundreds to happen each year. I don't blame either...
What, am I the only one who thinks heavy rain looks intriguing?
They should make it like the original elder scrolls and allow you to go anywhere in Tamriel.
More like 6 days. Check it, I just did, and that's what it says.
No really, Iv'e been waiting at LEAST a week.
Okay then. Pedo!
I like V1 better, I like the sig in general. I have no problem with the whole depth thing, it's not like you HAVE to have it.