Thanks for critisizing my post and map..but the only thing is that the mongoose allows a lot of room to get going in order to moe(run) someone...
I am sorry about that...I am a suck-up >< but thanks for pointing that out I have fixed it up I now know why people do not read my threads lol.
Well I guess Ill delete this Map... =( People just are not liking it, I have bearly any post which means that no one is interested in this...
Sorry >< I am extremely sorry but for some reason the Red and Blue Goes After Pictures are not getting bigger, I have tried many ways and can't...
Thanks I tried my hardest =)
Sorry was kind of ina rush >< Links have been fixed sorry about that.
There is one zombie he is suposed to get in a chopper and with the game setup he charges out of a room, a wall closes his entrace after 10 sec. It...
Thanks all! Thank you all for keeping my map up there and I try my hardest on my maps to make them not only good gameplay mostly that but also I...
About the Respawn of the Items Is what happends is that when you push stuff down after 5-10 sec half of it will respawn then the other half...
It is Funnel of Doom (old version of my map) but the glitches are fixed I spent about 16 hours trying to get it perfect and I got pics, way better...
Mod please Delete I have accidenly posted 2 Brute Ball Forums and I would like this one to be deleted. I already have the other 1 posted. Thank...
If you think this map was goiong to be very similar to grifball, which I personally like however the game type is very much the same. The court is...