This is the best map I have ever played on sandbox, why is it not in team slayer???? Fantasic forging great gameplay 10/10 easy
Wow this map looks amazng, the symmetrical layout looks so unique, havnt dl'd yet but will tonight, looking forward to it then I'll rate
This map is by far the best conflict map yet, the worthog makes it so unique because it can be a turret or a splatter machine, way too much fun....
How??? Is there A tutorial?
the overshield is kind of in the center, u get to it from the top level, through a 'tube peice' at the top level. you have to drop to get it, but...
I forged on this some more today and came up with some good results I think. I was out of money so I deleted the lights and did this... The map...
Yes the map is 100% symmetrical forgot to mention that. And the pyramid isn't big but it is still the focul point of the map and u can see it from...
Map Title: Pyramidal The unfinished pyramid was a symbol for mankinds unfinished evolution, now it is dominated by supermen. (3-12 players) [IMG]...
Complexa Created by mackthemost Supported Gametypes: Free-for-all Team Slayer and Oddball gametypes Map Description My map consist of three...
hell yeah man i love heights and lots of stories, like lockout and guardian somewhat. i feel like if there wasnt that stupid hard limit i could...
thanks man if it wasnt for the item limit i would have fixed that wall, thank bungie for that ****
Complex Created by MacktheMost(me aka Zak) Supported Gametypes: Slayer, Team Slayer, Oddball, King of the Hill, Capture The Flag, Assault,...
i was thinking of taking out the fuel rod gun and placing the os there, but i think the sword is a great idea cause the fuel rod gun is a great...
the thing with the courtyard is, it was meant to look like more of a shipping yard or warehouse floor... i had trouble thinking of something that...
ive thought about moving the os but couldnt think of a place, but i think ive thought of something, and i will def make it look better over time i...
you must actually play the map, im not looking for *proppzzz losers just play the map, its fun and then give me some real feedback, be the gamer...
well the map is mostly symetrical so there are two hallways like that in the third pic, and you can also enter the hallway three different ways....
the map has alot of power weapons, so a way to counter that is to provide less cover in their area. You should try the map out... it balances out...
there is lots of cover, but most of it is built into the map, not crates and such except for the middle which was suppose to resemble a small...
Towering Rage This is a map I made a long time ago, and have been detailing it lately. I believe it is finished, but I need more people to play...