wow this is so stupid. any idiot can post on forge hub a thousand times. but it is good to see your enthusiasm about the site. Woo... Calm down
this haz got a dl from me. great map this r awesome! dreadnaut ftw!
i just have to add that th flame-thrower is really really nooby. take it out if you ever expect this to be played seriously. i mean for mlg...
i agree with this guy. maybe not 1/5 but the whole thing needs much more. and maybe 3 more large structures. and definitely two turrets next to...
i seems that good maps can be made on non-foundry levels. 4.78/5
some crying about the pics. dowload the map and see for yourself!
great geo-merging! i <3 this map! it is soo cool! i dont give a flapping ****** of what site it came from, it owns!
5 out of 5? give me a break! its ok but too much cover! no cover ftw!
i <3 this map! the layout is nice! keep posting!
there are definitely some place you should have interlocked. like the place where the bridge connects the two boxes. but other than that i applaud...
i like this map and it has a catchy name. 4.432344 out of 5
no ur wrong u tardzor. lolololololololol! i hate this map! hating this map ftw!
this is great. you make good maps.congrats 4 teh awesomeness!
dood u need 2 giv an overview. i dont get teh layout from teh pics. OVERVIEW FTW!
this maps interlocking as almost as sloppy as your moms rouitine last night. sloppy dirty and un-rewarding! ur mom/five
U DUN LIEK TEH SNIPR! no put a sniper because then the map would have a sniper...........lolzorz. it is interlokd very well. 4.354673142 out of 5
this map has some serious mental issues. like tha fact that it sucks. nawwww just kiddn. i have no idea about this map i just want to make my...
doesnt the word ''narcotic'' have something to do with drugs? i dont download maps from drug addicts! actually i looked it up on
this map make meh happy! this map ftw! lolzorz
dont do v2! dont do it! aaaaagggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!