^Thanks. I'm just wondering, was there anything you didn't like about BunkerBattle? Or is it just not an impressive use of Forge?
Wow, thanks Morphine! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
My map doesn't just use the hallway and the rooms, it also uses the two areas just outside of there, that's where I have to two different levels....
Are talking about the standard bases on Foundry (The area with the hallway and the two rooms)? If you are, I'm currently working on a map that...
Well here's some quick feedback. I just played it by myself and the changing course was really cool, until I got stuck under the spawning steps....
I just downloaded and commented/rated over at B.net. I can't wait to check it out! The use of the timed spawns to change the course during the...
^You're welcome. I almost built this on Foundry, but I think Isolation looks a whole lot better and this is one of the few good uses for...
^^That looks awesome. I can't wait for you to post it. It sounds like it would be a lot of fun.
^Trust me, you're not special, but I'll allow you to keep thinking that you are... j/k lol. I'm really glad you liked it. It is a lot of fun,...
^Don't double post, just edit your original post! It sounds like Windows Live might be coming back online... Edit: My MSN still doesn't work. :(
Yeah mine isn't working either. It hasn't been working since 7:30 am Pacific time. I can sign on at Bungie.net though...
^Yes, you're right. Thanks for clearing that up! Objectives sounds better IMO...
Yeah, Windows Live has been down for most of the morning. I can't sign into Messenger, but I can sign on to Bungie.net, so I'm not sure what your...
When you are in Forge, go into the editor mode. Hit start and scroll down to "Change Gametype." Hit 'A' and then scroll sideways until the...
I just joined. I'm only at #21 with 2900. I'm not a person who's big on achievements, and I've never gotten 1000 from one game.
^I'm the same way. My 100 custom files are precious and I don't like to waste them, usually... This map is very creative and the ball return is a...
BunkerBattle Don't Stick Yourself! My first map on ForgeHub Download The Map Here Download The Gametype Here BunkerBattle is a grenade battle...
Re: Bungie 500 - Mongoose Racing Redefined This is a very fun map, but it is one of those maps where people need to take the game seriously for...
I love this map and gametype. I've played it with up to seven players at one time and it's a lot of fun. One of my friends gave the zombies swords...
This map looks very good. I really like how the cabin looks. I'm excited to see how this map plays with a group of people. I think it will be a...