It looks really good, i cant begin to imagine what went into making those, 3d animation has always seemed tricky to me.
Yah, I tried that but it didn't work too well, and i really need to fix up the logo because there is no second 'T' in it, lol. And the Narwhal...
The third word is wrong, and the first is missing one letter. Yah its a deathcore/metalcore band. and you seem to be the only one who gets it,...
So ive been working on some desings of artwork for my new band im starting. Right now there just sketches because i havent had time to work on...
i dont know much about photographybut the thirs picture is awesome.
I really like this map it looks astectly pleasying layout wise. but some of your pices dont fit togther too well, but thats not too big of a deal....
Im not sure why anyone hasent replyed yet, i guess ill be the first. And the layout is pritty hard to get an idea of without an orview or a crappy...
I really like this map, its nice and has a smiple layout, with more complicated astectics. I can really think of anything negitive i saw so ill...
Yah i really dont care about the steep ramps i just needed something to say that was on the negitive side, lol. And if you use photobucket they...
Not many people make BTB or invasion maps that are much good, but i really like this. Your buildings are built very nice and look like real...
Yah sorry for no comments yet, lol. but anyway i had to watch the video cause i cant really see your pictures cause there too small. But from the...
hay thanks for the comment that was just the kind of C&C i was looking for. I dont think im going to fix up this map because its old and i dont...
Yah it can be like that but i tested this map a couple times and as long as you start with ARs insted of DMRs its not that bad at all. most of the...
I love the idea of the kill ball. I've tryed to do something like that before but it dident work out too well. The kill ball is a perfect example...
I like how you made structures our of pices of cover and decorations. It looks really cool like in the main base. But in some places it doesent...
Im not that sure i understand what those first two sentences ment, but as for the rest thanks, lol. And sure do whatever you want its everyones...
Hello forgehub its been a long long time. I made a map pack a long time ago and i wasent able to post it. I made 3 maps in it and i have already...
Forging is an art, and you are a regulat piccaso, lolz. Cheesy complements aside i really like this map. As for the astects the whole map seems to...
Kinda reminds me of gridlock from gears of war, But to the point Horseshoe maps always work out well(case in point sidewinder). But what this has...
The map looks pritty cool i have to say, but the pictures are kinda fuzzy and i don realy understand the layout, an overview would proboly be good...