Yes! That first map you posted screenshots of, I was thinking about how great that map would be to remake for Halo. Its so simple, yet I've had...
SaLoT's mistake is that he stole a map from a guy who really hates liars and thieves, and who also has a ton of time to kill at work, with...
I think I have observed something thats pretty funny. See, there's this guy on the forums named SaLoT (Gamertag "SaLoT Fkn Sux" a.k.a....
I probably spent the most time thinking out the weapons, and shuffling them around a bit until I found the right balance. I knew that sniper...
I believe you are correct. Thats how Bungie set up all thier maps, and thats how I set up my map. Just a bunch of neutral spawns everywhere, but...
Thanks SykoOne, glad you and your friends love it. I wanted to make it fun, with tons of variety, basically every weapon available in matchmaking,...
Thank you for the review, Cr0ok3d. I'm glad that you found the fun that I was going for when I made the map. I've been arguing with the folks on...
Re: Meridian - Updated Version 1.1 Thanks for the help Furious D. I'm glad you like the map, and now I know you're not the only one. Yeah,...
Boy, have I got one for you guys. I followed somebody's link to the website, randomly, and when I got there, somebody's map caught my...
Oooh, I see. Like I said, I'm not really into Territories games, I didn't think about there being a difference between symmetric and asymmetric....
This looks very well thought out, and detailed. Territories isn't exactly my favorite game to play, but it looks like fun on this map. I'm...
Re: Meridian - Updated Version 1.1 Cool, I was just making sure we were talking about the same thing. And dudes, could somebody please just say...
Re: Meridian - Updated Version 1.1 Just to clarify, I'm sure you figured out what I was talking about, but you said, "use the grav lift on the...
Re: Meridian - Updated Version 1.1 You see, it is all part of my master plan, to add an extra layer of skill to the map, and make the noobiest...
Re: Meridian - Updated Version 1.1 I have published an updated version of my map with some minor tweaks that create major changes in gameplay....
Ehh, thanks for the suggestion, but its not a remake of the map, its just an updated version with slightly changed weapon spawns, fixed bomb...
Hi, I just wanted to see what you experienced map publishers do when you want to update your map. I've only posted one map, and I'm about ready to...
Could someone please elaborate on the V.I.P. and Juggernaut objectives? What exactly is a "Go To Point" and how does it affect the game? I rarely...
Question about the "starting point" spawns. When I was trying to figure out how to set up my spawns, I looked at several of Bungie's maps to see...
Re: HOW TO: Hi-Def pics (noob-proof intructions) Someone had asked me in my map thread what I used to host my pictures with, I can explain here...