Make a Fortress with more than one floor and make them spawn at the top. Also, make them spawn in sheild doors so it would be harder to kill the...
Not bad idea. Everyone wants it. I don't know why they didn't do it. I WANT IT SO BAD.
You know, looking up info on Forge and came across this site. Its great how you find cool things by mistake.
Best guess: lag or glitch.
Happens sometimes, just lagg, though.
That is a bit confusing. Explain better please.
If it is based off the movie, try this idea: make a way to trap the zombies in an area (or lab if it is completly being based off it). Give...
I think that there should be ladders and being able to change vehicle colors.
actually not too bad of and idea. Just what if you need a wall in a tight area?
I think it depends on if your host. That is all I can think of. I have heard of that once before and it has happened to me. Remember: Just because...