What would you suggest as a weapon layout?
That's what spiker grenades are for :D
Choco Clak By Miinaturvat Made for Slayer, CTF and Assault. This map has one main room, with 3 tunnels leading to and from it. Throughout the...
Narcotic Vobe 6 By Miinaturvat Made for slayer, CTF and Assault. This map was basically made on an equilateral triangle, with a base at each...
lol. All this arguing over a remake of a map? It is a remake. Like 'Da Pig' said, the origional was rubbish. This one is way better forged. So...
Omega brilliant! :D I love this map!
I like the map, but the guy shooting the carbine in the pic labeled Right Side has really bad aim! :)
BIGGEST BUMP EVER! Sorry, I couldn't resist :D
First the vent... Then my map, doom tunnel... Then This! They just keep getting better :) Good job.
How do I download?! :D
Thanks :D
I know! People keep saying it's offensive, but it's not really! ...unless you're a ****... but they deserve to be offended, so i don't see what...
Never seen this idea before, it looks really good :D
No suggestions?
I like the idea, and really well built. Will DL.
Well, i really like it! It looks like it was well made :D
Hello :D
Thanks for all the comments! Any suggestions to make the map better?
1) Sometimes, if things get jammed, the zombie might want to go down the funnel to sword people, but still a good idea. 2) "Last man standing" :D
maybe i should put a wall there...