Nice write up Mike! I really enjoyed working on this, and I know Mercer did too. The gameplay ended up phenomenal. I enjoyed everything about it...
****ing Kung Fu Panda.
Unlike virtually every being in the universe that's ever stuck a picture into an editor, he used the rule of thirds.
Good job. It really does like they're recoiling from the oversharpened tentacles. Because oversharpening anything will make people recoil in utter...
27,774 Points! DeathToll and I had a 2v2 Halo Wars game destined to become an epic Norse saga... mabey not. I have picture proof of the results...
Lemme guess, you changed the name after I commented on it before? It used to be called "Upon the Heavens". Just a little inside info ; )
From what I can remember from the original Prisoner, this is built almost exactly like it. Even the general colour scheme of sandy blocks matches...
That human pyramid turned out really well. I realized it was the only shot I'm in though... (Damn ants!)
In the event of complete inability to understand the concept of "drop spawning", see diagram 1.1 [IMG]
When Michael said I should check out the 40 messages on his profile, I saw that you're going to a Japanese resturaunt. You lucky duck, my family...
For the record; I barely check ForgeHub anymore. But you should try that circle idea. You could even use a circle with an X through it. I thought...
To really capitalize on the mood of your shot, zoom out to catch the full (Or as much as possible of the,) Elite. Make some different poses in...
This is an excellent shot, and the size of the image file is huge! Every piece fits together well, the mongoose light with the bright ring to...
It can't possibly be messy if every single object is fully intended to be where it is. The gravity concept is a great idea, already forgers are...
(This is much higher quality in the priginal file) [IMG] Storyboard 1 No effect.
Oh thank god, a smart new member! Here are the standard-issue tips, guides, and rules: Screenshot embedding Compendium of IMPORTANT Threads...
Yup, I was talking about the merged double wall. I told DeathToll that upper walkway needed something to block the sight line, and we tried...
Tactics comrade, tactics. -Animal Farm, by George Orwell. Wishbone requires tactics! To start off, I like this map a lot. It captures the essence...
I'm addicted to Remi Gaillard's videos now... Thanks Fbu! (No sarcasm)