I want a...hmmm..a Human transport helicopter type..but its more easier to control and fire both turret and missles..I want it to be a lot more...
get online MSN I wanna talkz to ya
Hmm..looks like a map me and my friends would LOVE to play... 4.8/5 :D
Looks pretty ok.. 4/5, I remember trying to make a map based off the crashed pelican heh..didnt work..at all
Type of clan: Pretty much any is good.. Your Gamertag:Fynis96 A little bit about your style of gameplay: A little below average forger, pretty...
Looks interesting..Im gonna try even though I am not that good at building maps :'(
Looks awesome:D
Welcome and enjoy :D.
Loved all of em but soccer..looks kinda wierd...good job :D
Hey sorry everyone bout not being here been busy these months with some family junk lol but im back :D :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:):cool:
Damn it I didnt know the tournament started! there wasnt a date!
Nice map. 4/5 :D
Same goes for me, Fynis96 is my gamertag along with my name lol.
FH Username:Fynis96 GamerTag:Fynis96 Halo 3 Rank and highest skill:Lieutenant Grade 2 / 16 Legendary Maps: Yes/No: yes!
Well out of the list you choose you should get cod 4. I wish I could give you another list but I cant think properly right now.
WEll the effects made the pictures kinda wierd but still visable and it looks like a really fun map to play I shall download and tell you really...
Yeah lose your vip, go back get him on way back have a couple of people that dont care about the racing snipe you :P. I dont know but looking at...
Ugh..a sniper race...sorta like Rocket race lol...noscopes flying through the air. Pray and shoot lol. Still a good idea. Should make a sword...
Great Idea on this game :D 5/5
This is a pretty cool screen I got using a plasma grenade and it really looks like my armor is beginning to freeze lol [IMG]