Welcome to Forge Hub. Unfortunately, you have posted on the wrong place.
It's me TFC CHAMPION! Mak i remember you telling me about this map. It looks brilliant, i love the pictures and the description is superb. I will...
The ones with the spartan are rubbish but the scarab is good but theres a building sticking out in the corner.
my favorite is escape becuase it has colurs alround him but not on him.
This map looks awesome i'm gonna download it and i'm gonna play all the game types.I like the way the sniper tower looks as well
The queens room looks well to easy to camp and when people went into the hole the other team could just kill them straight away.other than that it...
This map looks awesome from the description ,i;m gonna download it now.the interlocking on the landing pad looks awesome and colur coding must...
looks very good and complex. it looks amazing and i give it 9/10
hey man u can't double post. these pictures are boring and not funny .there not even proper jokes or any thing
I don't really like the 1st and the 2nd but the 3rd i think is brilliant with the light effects.
your map looks brillant i'll definetely give it a DL. And im a berk theres no need to be so mean, maybe your name should be im a jerk.
Looks like a good map, Interlocking is very nice,and the whole map is very good. I will give it a DL.
Why did you post the thread twice?
Looks like a cool idea, but please stop double posting.
Welcome to forgehub.Do some more posts
It looks well cool.I'll dl it straight away!
That sounds really cool but whats to stop people getting al the stuff
That was really really stupid it was not a montage.
That looks cool but it looks like it has been edited on pc to look like that.
The pictures are to small,I can barely see them.