Played this with 6 people. I must be honest, the gameplay wasn't very fun, and the rooms other than the covenant room are pretty bland, with some...
Goldeneye easily, it's too hard for me to get into an rpg/adventure game that looked too silly..
I find UT2004 and UT3 great, although it's basically the same games with new graphics and vehicles, it still adds enough content each time to mae...
They are both great games Camera is horrible? for spectating? because you can go in first person mode in that. It's called Modern for a reason,...
Well, I'm always wanting to find custom games, so if you guys could add my gamertag I may be able to have enough friends online at once to play...
My first time playing online GTAIV, I went on 1vs1 with this random dude. Everytime i'd try to shoot him down in the city, he'd usually win and...
1. Call of Duty 4 2. GTAIV 3. Halo 3 4. C&C TD 5. SW KotR
I find that VERY hard to believe
Does Bungie Pro increase your file limit? I just downloaded tons of great maps and now I have to delete some good maps for better ones :(
So many people here are wrong.. 4-5 playlists? WTF?? Let me name them from the top of my head. TDM MTDM FFA Groud War Domination Sabotage Team...
What's a spartan base without it's spartan lazer? I tried it with a few clanmates, it's pretty fun for FFA. We played with 6 people, and the...
I want my minute of life back..
Hai Thar, I'm TheKaptain. I joined these forums that I heard of from My gamertag is DualRelyks, and I'm Kanadian.