I think that the idea is clever and i havnt seen it before so kutos on that and i agree that the respawning mongooses will get in the way and that...
i think that it looks good the interlocking looks good and i love how you posted it from some of these pics it looks a little open but ill dnld...
i am sorry but i feel that this track is not feature material this is a nice track but there is nothing special about it i think that you should...
if you make a map without interlocking and geomerging even if you tell us that you dont have any you still are gonna get hasseled about it i was...
you cant make a game not support diffiernt colors mabey not more than two teams but i dont get how you can do that and the map looks really simple...
From what i can see looks good but you definetly need more pictures i cant really see the map i am liking these maps from you first proximity now...
From what i can see the interlocking looks amazing but i dont really get to see the whole lay out from the pics some more would be nice but really...
looks ok but you dont need 4 fusion coils on the sniper tower the geomerging is sloppy and the back area looks like you dont want us to go there...
From what i can see it looks good but the pics dont show much of the map i would work on that and i also agree with stin that i def looks...
Sorry didnt see that
Isnt this clockworks looks just like it all you did was switch some things up alot of things are exactly the same
Did you post our map
owned again today
I am not a fan of these first you dont want to use that many sheild doors and the interlocking is really sloppy and the maps dont need mongooses...
I owned you
Its "I got soul but im not a soldier"
do i know you
Dude selena gomez is super hot nice pick for a girl to be obsessed with
im back
I am gone for a month im climbing some mountains out west so see you in a month Forgehub