I had the red ring of death again ... So im goin to get a ps3!! Since i wont have halo 3 anymore spam spam spam spam...
cool screenies! but i dont have halo 3 and i want to get banned so SPAM SPAM SPAM...
wow! can i put this 1 in my map?
the 1st is funny but true, the 2nd one didnt work 4 me, the 3rd one is just plan awsome!
its a litlle slopy with the words and the Gears ut pretty good, to bad its not a reall game... a new gears of war would be fun.
LOL shouldnt be rated 4 every1
it was a bit boreing but great job
i really dont thinks thats funny
VERY well done! love the sircle type thing
i really hate it, but to make it better...start putting stuff strait and interlerlock!!
On the Covenant level one {the great wall} were did you get it?
Love your avatar
Cool avatar IM BORED
are you the real?
Please tell us how u did that...I WANNA KNOW!!
Where is the link?
yay you posted V2 , i really wanted to see it and i love it ..... =)
how did you make the FT like that [flame thrower]
i dont get it ... is this a pic of you and ur friends or what ... its pointless
then can you help me? i have friends that hate story mode.