****ing weirdo. I personally am a dual boot man myself.
Oh and I was wondering, are you a pc or a mac?
Like I said, I'll be gone tomorrow.
What are you getting at?
Yes, but then it's gone.... SHUUUUUT UP!
No gmail. Tomorrow I will disappear like a ghost.
My friends computer doesn't have skype on it.
Spam? Any way here is my room, all I did was a panorama though. Photosynth Viewer
I want it!!!
PhotoSynth Site Photosynth is a software application from Microsoft Live Labs and the University of Washington that analyzes digital photographs...
My crackpot theory is that mythic is more then a map pack, but a Halo 3.5 if would. It would include a forge update along with that grid map we...
like what?
Wow, the site looks..... yeah..... I'm glad I left when I did. EESH!
Thank you tex, for taking over. (No I'm not back, Kagemusha told me about this and I wanted to thank tex.)
The Storm http://www.forgehub.com/forum/casual-maps/13157-storm.html
That's precisely why I need a break, to get a better perspective.
I'm taking a break because.. well it's really been a culmination of things, the whole rep thing, receiving an infraction for something almost all...
I don't care about rep anymore, I'll be taking a break from FH for a while so, if you want to give it to me go ahead, but I don't care.