What's special about the gametype? Any details on that?
Love that you finally posted this behemoth of awesomeness. We are humbled by your great forgeness. Great map, love the locking of the two...
It's a really cool picture and some of the text makes me feel like there is a little leprechaun kicking my brain trying to get my attention.
Really enjoyed playling this map, it's really well balanced. Amazing amount of skill in the forging too guys, outstanding job!
I got the body bright because there was a grenade explosion in the middle of the camo tunnel on "The Pit", and by putting the camera in the middle...
Gore [Action] [IMG] Bungie.net Link: Gore Forgehub Original Thread: Gore
Bungie.net Link: Gore [IMG]
Really like this map. Can really tell that a lot of thought went into this map. Especially in the gametype that accompanies it. Love playing this!
BR, got so used to using it in H2 it just became default for me at first so thats what I got good with fastest, now I use it because I'm better...
Will that still be a problem if they are interlocked? Although I guess you'd use more objects if you had to overlap them to remove holes. As for...
I'd suggest changing it to N1GHTSTR1KE if you are going to change it, although doesn't it cost $10 or something like that??
I've been playing the hopper this morning and people do just camp random grenade jumps and just sit there. Personally I'd much prefer a permanent...
They did and you can download it here.
Loved it, absolutely hilarious! These sorts of things really brighten my day! :)
My interest for this game was piqued when I saw this on Ctrl+Alt+Del - Condemned 2 I was wondering if anyone had played the original or anything...
Just to throw in my 2 cents, I rented this game and thought it could be awesome if I had someone to play co-op with. Ended up doing it on my own...
This is the second time I've seen this mentioned on these boards. Ben Croshaw is absolutely hilarious. Every Wednesday be there or be...
I'd agree that it's mainly a one time play. Even the things that could have made it more enjoyable like the side quests with the flags and the...
I think maybe a rocket launcher rather than a fuel rod cannon would work... :D
Man you need to get more sleep. You make awesome maps like this when you're turning into your more "zombie Gary" phase, but still. Sleep is...