dude, you rock! i don't understand this new messaging system here at forgehub, so i hope i'm not spamming you with messages, but can you also...
You did it! Awesome! If it's not too much to ask, can you also change the title of it to "The Lighthouse". I'm afraid of it getting confused...
If the forum automatically resizes the image, the use this image: [IMG] And add it as the thumbnail image for the following thread:...
does the image need do be a certain size, or will the forum automatically resize it?
Hey Sgt, I haven't been around in a while (being a senile old man makes you forget things) but i needed to ask a favor. Who can i contact to...
READ ME: The Download Link will direct you to "Tour de Forge V.3" This is the correct map, but i did not realize there was already one called...
Nice to see you back and putting out quality maps. It's great you put your skills toward something other than remakes. I personally don't care for...
For albyhouse's you should change the all-green bars to be green-red-yellow-blue-orange, from left to right. ;)
Thanks Ferretness! For your efforts, i give you a +1 to your Rep! Kudos!
Ok. I'll add some of these to my list. Keep in mind, i'm doing this in between work, games, family time, and internet, so the updates may not come...
I noticed all of your links go to forge threads. Are you only accepting links to maps posted here, or can people give you links to their...
Re: My First Signature... Its definitely better than my first attempt at a sig for you! The drums look a bit blurry, though. Was that what you...
Ok. Added the above ideas to the list. Also posted my first two tests. This is my first attempt at animation, so let me know what you think!
Here is attempt 2. Slightly different. [img]
There was a thread a little while back about this. I don't know if they ever came to a conclusion about the problem. I'm putting a link below for...
Thanks Orange. I guess Mike agreed, because it looks like he is using it... for now anyway. I think there s still potential for a better one, so...
Well, here is my first attempt: [img]
He means to publish your map to the Bungie Forums and then link to that thread, rather than you File Share (which it looks like you have already...
Re: FIFA Stadium 2.1 Wow! It sounds like you took some of my feedback! It looks great! I will download it now and give it a try.
Well, the UFO thing would be too easy i think. Thats why i was wondering how you would make it apply to senility. But do both if you get bored :)