This is an impressive, yet perfectly simple, a-symmetrical map. Wow!
Because it is an MLG map I would remove the Grav-lifts and put crates with weapon holders on top. Other than that little thing it looks like a...
Some very cool ideas in this map. Add some cover, eliminate the fence walls on the ground in the middle, and your map will greatly improve.
If only I had a microscope near my computer so i could see the pictures. My telepathic abilities tell me this map is......small
The corners all seem a little awkard. Try and re-inovate them to create more fluid, user friendly corners. Otherwise, it looks like a great map.
Slightly too open, add some cover. The floor of the bases looks a little bumpy, try and put a merged fenc wall on top of the open boxes to make...
If only I had Ghost Town.
Hmmmm... maby this is onslaught with some modifications. Use your forge skills, be patient, and create something new and innovative. An origional...
nice use of the opposite side of foundry. Not often used for MLG maps. I think there should be a little more cover in in the middle area,...
The reason shield doors are frowned upon is because they are cheap, and can cause the "WTF" deaths. A shield door is one of the only things in...
I love the unique feel. Clean up a few minor bumps and bruises in the next versoin and it will be an excellent map. Also, keep the barriers to a...
Great forging technique. I think there are too many towers blocking lines of sight and creating too much cover. Maby shorten a few of them to...
I like the map, very origional. The multi-level layout and the open space might lead to power positions on top. This may not work with MLG...
++++I love the center of this map. it is unique and fun to play on. --However, there is something about the floating bases above the stairs that...
This made me think of a very skewed version of Longest from Halo CE
++++This is smooth, clean, asthetically pleasing, and fun to play on. -One element that I found to be a slight annoyance was the amount of cover....
Looks like a very good map. As far as suggestions go, I would place/merge the bridges along side the staris so that the path across the...
My favorite part is the two convoys on the outside of the map.
The first part is true. MLG maps do not have power weapons, power ups, shield doors, or teleporters. However, the second part is incorrect. An MLG...
--------------This is now version 1.1-------------- Updates in v1.1 Powerups placed as callout locations. Both towers had open boxes in v1.0, in...